Bukisa and Triond can be a great source of income, which is FREE of cost. Many people are making more than $1000 a day from these sites. You will make more money from more and more people who view, comment or give feedbacks on your article. Here are some of the best tips to bring more than 1,000,000 views in Bukisa , which can also be used in Triond.
Bukisa is a place where members submit informative articles and share their experiences and knowledge with others. This has bring Bukisa to the top pages in search engines, including Google. Here are some advantages of Bukisa over other article marketing directories:
- Bukisa pays more per view than Associated Content and Helium, with per-thousand payments ranging between $3.00 and $3.50. You can submit articles on virtually any topic and title.
- Bukisa enables to integrate Google Adsense Account so that you will be able to make money from you adsense account, besides writing articles. The result will be great once you're in flow. Try it!
- You can make and publish an article with just 250 words. If you've written 150 articles, you'll defintely start earning like rocket. This will increase every month. Please view the example below:
- If the Bukisa index is 3.5, then for every 3.5 views, a member will earn $0.01. Therefore, the more views a member gets to all his articles, the more money he will earn.
NOTE: (Bukisa index is just a number assigned to the rate which Bukisa pays its members for every one thousand aggregate views to all their articles.)
NOTE: (Bukisa index is just a number assigned to the rate which Bukisa pays its members for every one thousand aggregate views to all their articles.)
- The minimum payout is set at $10 even though a member can set it to a higher amount. So if you earn more than $10 at the end of January, you'll be paid by the 5th of February. Earnings which don’t reach the minimum amount will be rolled over to the next month until the payout is reached
First of all, if you haven't joined Bukisa, you can join here. To write an effective and successful Bukisa article, you need to bear in mind that you have to get traffic to your Bukisa articles. The more views you get, the more money you’ll earn. You can also use tips from "Triond Secrets Of 1,000,000+ Views".
NOTE: The Terms of Services of Bukisa are a bit strict so you have to be careful and understand all the terms I'm writing here. "Bukisa doesn’t allow traffic source by using any form of cloaking, hidden frames, pop ups, traffic exchange networks, purchased lists, black hat SEO, redirect links, hidden links, cloaking links, tricking people in to clicking links, purchased visitors schemes and any form of automated traffic is strictly prohibited”. So don't use traffic exchanges or any form of paid traffic. You’ll get your account banned without mercy.
- Make more money by writing fewer articles: You don't need to spend waking hours writing ten articles a day. Just try to write one informative, and using popular keywords, article a day and you'll see that your artilce views will rise in just a few days.
- Grab some ebooks and share their information in your own words: If you have extra time and want to write more articles then you grab some famous ebooks, about any topic and share their information with Bukisa. In this way you'll write more articles with less amount of time in a day.
- Use Social Networking Sites: This is one of the methods I've explained in my previous posts. Use as famous social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Bebo, Technorati, Linkedin, Orkut etc. and share your knowledge with your friends. Just make sure you have plenty of friends in your list. So make new friends everyday, join forums and other social networking sites as much as you can afford.
- Use Titles Of High Quality Keyword: You can use Google Adwords to search the relevant keyword topics to make title which is mostly searched using the Google. This will make more chances of your article views.
- Make money besides article writing: You will also earn from Bukisa, besides articles by using the following ways:
1. Profile Page
When you join Bukisa, you're allowed to set up your profile page like a sales page. You're allowed to promote your website and your products. You can leave links that will bring visitors to affiliate sales page. Here is an opportunity for you to make more money.
To promote your profile page, read other people's articles at Bukisa and leave comments. If others see your comments, they might click on your profile picture and be brought to your profile page.
2. Bookmark Interesting Articles
There are many interesting articles at Bukisa that you can share with others. Check out the "Featured Section" of Bukisa and you can find many interesting articles. When visitors go and visit your bookmark, you'll earn from the adsense ads that are displayed alongside your bookmark.
3. Republish Articles
Find articles that are relevant to your website which are keyword optimized and appear on Google first page. Publish these articles on your Bukisa website and you'll get organic traffic to your website. If it is monetized with adsense, you might potentially increase your adsense revenue.
If there are affiliate products, you might also earn affiliate commission when visitors purchase the products.
4. Direct Advertising
If you can afford it, you might want to approach the administrators of Bukisa and purchase advertising space on Bukisa. Advertising on Bukisa would mean that your advertisements will receive many targeted views.
5. Referrals
You can also earn from the people whom you referred to Bukisa. If you join as my referral, I will earn from what you’re earning. But your earnings won’t be affected in any way. Bukisa will pay me for referring you to the site.
The more people you refer to the site, the more money you will get. In fact, you can even earn from the referrals which your direct referrals refer to the site up to three levels. Check out my post about "Get $20 Free From Bidvertiser" on how to get thousands of Free referrals.
6. Add Tags
I've found this amazing technique very useful. I will only outline the main points. What you must do is, when writing the article for the first time, add only one tag (keyword). It should be a popular tag so go to Google Adwords to find it. Then in the next day, add 4 to 5 more popular tags. If people visit, comment or like your article you earn 10-20 times more than normal.
NOTE: Check out some more post about article marketing:
1. Free Article Writing & Making Money Online
2. Triond Secrets Of 1,000,000+ Views
1. Free Article Writing & Making Money Online
2. Triond Secrets Of 1,000,000+ Views
With above tips ways your earnings will increase 10 times. Keep in mind that once you've started earning a decent income, then it will never slow down. So join Bukisa and start earning!
Good Luck. FOLLOW and SHARE this post if you find it helpful. If possible, SUBSCRIBE VIA RSS for RSS feeds.
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